Jun 28Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

Seeing you skate is so beautiful! And I needed this today- thank you. In the throes of life stuff that is all good stuff, but it needs my attention and care first. But having the writing to dip into, a community of others doing the same— it makes it feel like its own journey and not a detour. It all feeds the well. Why fight ourselves and reality instead of skating it? Lovely, Rita!!!!

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Yes, exactly! It's not a detour, even if we never get where we thought we might when we started. I'm so thankful to have found you to travel with on this journey. Won't it be interesting to see where we go and how we get there? (And thanks for the kind words about the skating. Sharing even such a short snippet makes me feel a little vulnerable!)

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Jun 28Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

So grateful for you. You give me courage to share more of myself! And so thrilled for this journey!💜

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I've learned a lot of things in the years I've been on this planet, and I'm still working on learning a lot more. One of the lessons that keeps coming up for me (because evidently I need more practice) is detaching my ego from my pursuits. For so long, the outcomes I imagined myself creating--whether meals or work products or events or considerate children--also became reflections of who I am as a person. The flip side, of course, being that "failures" (they aren't really, I know) meant I'd done something wrong, and comparisons were apt to derail me. I so appreciate your reminder here that it's all okay, that we're all doing what we are meant to be doing right now, that my path won't look like yours or anyone else's. Bang, bang, bang -- could we pound this into my brain once and for all!? 😅

I love that you went ice skating. Precious time. Precious memories. And, I'm betting that chicken was delicious!

Oh, and for the record, I don't see a "clover-choked lawn." I see one filled with options for pollinators!

Thanks, Rita, for a good, uplifting read.

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It feels so good to release my ego from my pursuits! Really. It's liberating. Then I get to just...enjoy them. I get to fully enjoy what other people create, too. All the time I find myself thinking about someone else's work, I want to write like that, but in an aspiring way, not a jealous one.

And I think our lawn is choked with pollinators! 🙂 I made my husband leave them be for days longer than he wanted to so the bees could have at them.

Thank you for taking the time to write. I love hearing what my words bring up for you.

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Jun 29Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

You're back to skating! How wonderful. And living in the heat dome as I have been, dare I say the obvious, cool.

"there are so many more ways to live a good and meaningful life than I once knew" That phrase alone explains why I like personal blogging so much. I learn from everyone I meet in blogland, so many ways to live that I'd never know about if I didn't have the connections.

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That is one of the things I love about blogging, too. It is nice to be able to connect with folks I'd otherwise never be able to know in any way. And yes, back to skating sort of. Still not able to skate if there are too many other people on the ice (my daughter clued me in to this early morning session, where it's often just the two of us and one other skater) because my brain does not like negotiating moving my body through space filled with other moving objects. But getting there!

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Jun 30Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

You're skating again! This makes me so happy!

Comparison IS the thief of joy. I used to get so lost in that. I don't as much anymore. I can't say how I changed my mindset. It happened in the last few years. Mindfulness helps.

Here's to more skating days, more pie baking, and less comparison. 😘❤️

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I can't say how I changed, either--a whole lot of things, I'm sure. I'd definitely put more self-awareness on the list, so, yeah, mindfulness. And pie 🙂 I get so much happiness from baking pie.

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Just a thought. Maybe take more family videos and video journals. Upload them to Youtube as private videos to share with family and future you.

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