Feb 25Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

I'm so sorry about the headaches. I'm digging your newsletter, though, essays or no. Thank you for it!

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Aw, thanks! This feedback helps.

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Feb 25Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

I'm so sorry you've been under the weather yet again, Rita, but I'm glad you're at least able to head outside for walks. You asked for audiobook recommendations (of the cozy/loss/love/family genre), and I thought of Mary Lawson's A Town Called Solace, which I listened to (and enjoyed) a year or two ago. I hope this is a better week for you, Rita.

xo Marian

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A book recommended by both you and Anne Tyler is one I'm going to try! And it was available. Thank you so much, Marian.

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Feb 25Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

I appreciated your note today. It brought me joy to think of you walking and listening to books and baking in your kitchen.

“It reminded me that I am one of the lucky ones because I’ve been “met with unconditional love and people who still come around.” AND, I’m not in a place where I have to figure out how to keep working while my brain is screaming for rest.” I get misty once a day at my gratitude for the people and the love in the midst of life lately. Grief and TBI have that in common - as well as a need for rest.

I am sorry you’re dealing with headaches, but healing really does follow its own time table and we can only just adjust. (another similarity, I think.)

I wish I had a fun comforting read but I’m skewing dark. I’m currently reading “your driver is waiting” and it’s clunky and chaotic and dystopian but in a lovely way? I don’t know. I’m loving it.

Wishes for continued healing and rest.

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It's so good to hear from you, Kate. Thanks for taking the time and energy to drop me a note. Healing really does follow it's own timetable, doesn't it? I've tried to let the universe know I've learned my lessons about surrender, but maybe I haven't.

Thank you also for the book recommendation! I looked that one up and it's now on my TBR list in Libby. I think I understand how clunky, chaotic, and dystopian can be lovely. Have you seen the movie Bottoms (I think on Prime)? It might fit that description. The movie was weird and it took me a bit to get oriented, but once I accepted the world of it, it was...kinda lovely. A high-school lesbian fight club love story.

Sending you wishes for healing, too.

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Feb 26Liked by Rita Ott Ramstad

I'm so sorry about your headaches, my friend. I added the book about walking to my TBR.

I've felt unmotivated lately too. You're not alone. Sending you love.

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Hi Kari--good to see you here. I'm not struggling with motivation, but the opposite. There's lots I want to do, but I just can't. I'm sorry you're feeling how you are; I'm not there now but I have been. Hope you are able to be gentle with yourself. I'm guessing those feelings are how you're getting needed rest? Love back to you 💕

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Hi Rita - I'm not sure when I, too, realized that cookbooks could be checked out of the library as a trial before purchase but it was such a joyful realization! I enjoy taking art books out as well, you know, the coffee table sized ones... Thanks for the recommendation for Remarkably Bright Creatures, sounds like my kind of book.

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I love to borrow art, design, crafting, and gardening books of all kinds, too. I could never afford to buy all of them, and they often aren't books I feel I need to own. They just inspire me and make me feel good. They make me feel like I might make really great stuff!

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Oh yes, ditto to the gardening books too! Does your library show you on your receipt how much money you've saved by using the library? Ours does and I think I'm nearing $35,000 worth of books in the last 6 years (most of these for my kid, but lots for me too!) - I love seeing this number go up and up and I never feel bad about paying a late fee.

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Ours does not show that, but I think of it all the time! I'm so lucky to have access to a great library system. Ours has eliminated late fees, but I never begrudged paying them in the past because I could never buy all the books I check out.

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Ah! In reappearing in Substack, I discovered your Substack! Well, THAT was good enough reason for me post yesterday! I am sorry to hear you had a TBI -- that is news to me as well. I suppose I really have been in my own world for quite a long stretch here.

I loved and vibed very strongly with this sentiment: "I like to think of these writings as an invitation to a conversation." THAT is why I write, actually. Yes, to solve for myself, but to solve with the input, empathy, and engagement of others. So I am here for you, and I know you have always been here for me, and so let us write when we feel moved to do so, shall we? Sending love.

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